Nchi imeuzwa!


JF-Expert Member
May 4, 2006
Hivi huyu mzungu hiki kiburi chote anakitoa wapi? Hata bunge halijaiona report, yeye tayari kaonyeshwa?

Wapinzani hiyo silaha mnayo itumieni vizuri maana JK mjinga tu na yeye, inaelekea hajali maslahi ya taifa kama akina Mkapa tu.

Bomani team proposals on mining sector reforms:

Ball now in JK's court, says Canadian investor

Dar es Salaam

THE chief executive officer of a foreign company with vast mining interests in Tanzania, James Sinclair, has sought to assure international investors that President Jakaya Kikwete will not change existing fiscal policies in the sector despite a longstanding public outcry that the nation is not benefiting enough from mining receipts.

Sinclair, chairman and CEO of the Canadian-based Tanzanian Royalty Exploration Corporation, also states that he has already had access to the recommendations of the final report of the mining sector review committee chaired by retired judge Mark Bomani - just days after the report was actually submitted to president Kikwete himself.

Making the statements via his company’s website, Sinclair furthermore declared that he was not worried about the future.

Bomani and other members of the committee presented the final report to president Kikwete at State House in Dar es Salaam on May 24 this year, and six days later (May 30) came Sinclair’s website statement where he says in black and white:

’’I’ve had the privilege of reviewing the (Bomani) committee’s recommendations - along with comments from the (Tanzania) Chamber of Mines - and have no serious issues with them. What’s important to know, however, is that the man who will make the final decision on the recommendations is the president - not the committee.’’

He continues: ’’President Kikwete is an extremely knowledgeable and capable man who will do nothing to disturb the balanced fiscal policies that have produced enormous growth in Tanzania’s economic base, most of it fuelled by international investors.’’

Sinclair’s latest statement comes on the back of reports that the fourth phase government under Kikwete is gearing up towards sweeping reforms intended to ensure a ’’win-win’’ situation for both Tanzania as a nation and private companies operating mining projects in the country.

The Bomani committee was formed by the president himself late last year with the mandate to review all contracts currently pertaining to the sector, and advise the government accordingly. This is also interestingly stressed in Sinclair’s statement, as follows:

’’President Jakaya Kikwete of Tanzania formed a committee last year to review the country’s Mining Law. This body has a name that describes its mission and limitations: ’The Presidential Committee to Review and Advise Government on Management of the Mineral Sector.’’

The Tanzanian Royalty Exploration boss also said he was confident the Bomani committee’s recommendations were focused on ’’improving the conditions and privileges of (mining) exploration companies.’’

He further claims on the company’s website that president Kikwete has been a ’’close friend’’ of his for more than 20 years now.

Tanzanian Royalty Exploration is a publicly-traded financial gold company whose stated business strategy is to acquire royalty interests in gold production from its core assets in the Lake Victoria greenstone belt (LVGB) of Tanzania, where a reported 40 million ounces of gold have been discovered since the mid-1990s.

’’Tanzanian Royalty ranks among the largest landholders in the LVGB - one of the most prolific goldfields in the world,’’ the company says on its website, listing several multinational mining firms it has negotiated royalty agreements with in Tanzania, including Barrick Gold, AngloGold-Ashanti, and Northern Mining Explorations.

It is reported that by mid-2005, Tanzanian Royalty Exploration held a total of 138 prospecting licences in the Lake Victoria goldfields.

In February this year, Joseph Kahama was appointed a director of Tanzanian Royalty Exploration Corporation, after serving as senior vice-president of the corporation since July 2007.

Kahama also served as president and director of the company’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Tanzania American International Development Corporation 2000 Limited (Tanzam 2000), since 1997. In his capacity as president of Tanzam 2000, Kahama was responsible for corporate administration and also for maintaining good relations with government, vendors, and the company’s various business partners in Tanzania.
Ndio wanaanza ona ripoti za uchunguzi kabla hazijatolewa hadharani!!! kweli nchi imeuzwa...
Hello guys, i sent email to Bloomberg and WSJ about this agenda. Few weeks ago bloomberg were criticised Sinclair strategy. Nilikuwa nataka article ambayo ni source ya hii habari and am happy nimeipata, Thanks Mtanzania.

Nilishaandika mwanzo kwamba Sinclair ni mbabaisha na penny stock yake kwenye Wallstreet. These time tutajitahidi kusend email kwa ma editor mpaka basi.
Hello guys, i email Bloomberg and WSJ about this agenda. Few weeks ago bloomberg were criticised Sinclair strategy. These time tutajitahidi kusend email kwa ma editor mpaka basi.

Unaweza ukaandika kwa lugha yetu ya kiswahili ili wasomaji tuweze kuelewa vizuri unachokiongelea.
Siyo kwamba Sinclair ni mbabaishaji ni kwamba viongozi wetu ndio wababaishaji yaani wameisha fikia kiasi cha kutufanya watanzania tuonekane hatuna maana ndio maana yake.

Inakuwaje wafanyabiashara tena ambao investiments kubwa ziko kwetu wanaandika mambo kama haya tena kwenye web?

Hii inatufungua macho jinsi tulivyouzwa na viongozi tuliowaamini. Wakati wa Buzwagi wakati Jk anakimbilia huko watu walisema haya haya ya huyu bwana Sinclair kufanya kazi Ikulu sasa ndo haya haya ametudhihirishia mwenyewe.
Wa kujilaumu ni sisi wenyewe, si akina Sinclair kama alivyosema mjumbe hapo juu. Wakati kila kona ya dunia wananchi wanahakikisha wanachagua the best sons and daughters to run their countries, sisi tumeamua kuchagua watu wenye ujuzi wa ujanjaujanja na uswahili ambao sasa akina Sinclair ndio wamewaweka mfukoni. Tusikate tamaa, tuendelee kupiganisha fikra, ipo siku kitaeleweka.
Wa kujilaumu ni sisi wenyewe, si akina Sinclair kama alivyosema mjumbe hapo juu. Wakati kila kona ya dunia wananchi wanahakikisha wanachagua the best sons and daughters to run their countries, sisi tumeamua kuchagua watu wenye ujuzi wa ujanjaujanja na uswahili ambao sasa akina Sinclair ndio wamewaweka mfukoni. Tusikate tamaa, tuendelee kupiganisha fikra, ipo siku kitaeleweka.

Mkuu Kitila,

Je hao best sons and daughters wa TZ tunao?

Naanza kupata wasiwasi kwamba huenda TZ tuna watu wachache sana ambao wanaweza kutusaidia na bahati walio wengi sio wanasiasa au hawawezi kuchaguliwa kwenye siasa.

Hali inasikitisha sana na kutisha pia. Tuombee 2010 labda tupate watu wazuri wengi kwenye nafasi mbalimbali.
This is very dangerous to us as a nation .

Kuna haja ya kupata majibu ya haya maswali yafuatayo kwanza.
Hivfi huyu ni kuwa JK kabla ya kuamua huwa anaomba ushauri kwa Sinclair?
Ripoti huyu kaipata wapi?
JK you should come clear kuwa wewe huendeshi hii nchi mkwa ubia na akina Sinclaiur kwani hii ni aibu kwetu kama taifa na nuhuru wetu kwa ujumla.

we cant be like this anymore and the Sinclairs et all should know this from a word go.
How can an investor anaweza kuwaambia wenzake kuwa hakuna atakachoweza kufanya rais wetu?
Hivi huyu rais ni kweli hana ubavu kiasi hicho?
Hii ni dharau ya hali ya juu sana kwa uhuru wetu na uafrika wetu.

Huyu mzungu kuna haja ya kumzuia kuja nchini kama mwalimu alivyomfunga yule mgiriki kwa kufanya mambo ya kiupuuzi kama huyu jamaa .

JK and your team lazima muelewe kuwa tupo macho na kamwe hatutakuwa tayari tena kuvumilia upuuzi wa hawa wakoloni kiasi hiki tena.

“Rais Jakaya Kikwete amekuwa Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania kuanzia Desemba 2005. Kabla ya kuwa Rais, Mheshimiwa Kikwete alikuwa Waziri wa Mambo Nje na Uhusiano wa Kimataifa kuanzia 1995 hadi 2005, Waziri wa Fedha 1994 hadi 1995 na Waziri wa Maji, Nishati na Madini kuanzia mwaka 1990 hadi 1994. Kama Waziri wa Maji, Nishati na Madini, Mheshimiwa Kikwete alishiriki moja kwa moja katika kusaini mikataba mibovu ya madini na makampuni ya madini ya kimataifa ambayo kwayo taifa limeendelea kupoteza utajiri mkubwa na kuinyima Serikali uwezo wa kifedha wa kuhudumia wananchi. Kwa mfano, mnamo tarehe 10 Aprili 1990, Major Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete aliingia mkataba wa madini ya kampuni ya SAMAX Limited ambapo kampuni hiyo ilipewa leseni ya kuchimba dhahabu katika eneo la Lusu, Wilayani Nzega Mkoa wa Tabora. Matokeo ya mkataba huo, maelfu wa wachimbaji wadogo wadogo wa dhahabu waliokuwa eneo hilo waliondolewa kwa nguvu na vikosi vya FFU na bila ya kulipwa fidia yoyote. Hadi leo wananchi hao hawajalipwa fidia yoyote licha ya miaka zaidi ya kumi ya kufuatilia haki zao. Baada ya kutwaa utajiri wa dhahabu wa eneo hilo, SAMAX Limited iliuza eneo hilo kwa kampuni ya Ashanti Goldfields ya Ghana kwa dola za Marekani milioni 253. Ashanti Goldfields nao wakauza eneo kwa kampuni ya Resolute Limited ya Australia kwa kiasi kisichojulikana cha fedha za kigeni. Resolute Limited ndio waliojenga na wanamiliki Mgodi wa Dhahabu wa Golden Pride ulioko eneo la Lusu, Nzega hadi sasa na ambao ulifunguliwa mwezi Novemba 1998.
Mnamo tarehe 5 Agosti 1994 Luteni Kanali Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete aliingia tena mkataba na kampuni ya madini Kahama Mining Corporation Ltd., kampuni tanzu ya kampuni ya Sutton Resources ya Canada. Ijapokuwa mkataba huu unaonyesha wazi kwamba ulikuwa unahusu eneo la Butobela Wilaya ya Geita Mkoani Mwanza, mwezi Agosti mwaka 1996 Kahama Mining Corporation wakisaidiwa na vikosi vya FFU walivamia eneo la Bulyanhulu, Wilaya ya Kahama Mkoani Shinyanga na kuwaondosha kwa nguvu watu takriban laki nne waliokuwa wakiishi na kuchimba dhahabu katika eneo hilo. Baada ya kutwaa eneo hilo kwa nguvu za kijeshi, Sutton Resources iliiuza Kahama Mining Corporation na Bulyanhulu kwa Kampuni ya Dhahabu ya Barrick Gold Corporation ya Toronto, Canada kwa dola za Marekani milioni 280. Leo hii Bulyanhulu ni moja ya migodi tajiri kwa dhahabu katika Bara la Afrika. “
Chanzo: The List of Shame, Dr. Slaa, Tundu Lissu et al
Tukikumbuka uhusiano na Sinclair, Sutton Resources na Barrick na pia kauli zake alizozitoa wakati huo kuhusu Rais Kikwete(wakati huo akiwa waziri) tunaweza kujadili vizuri zaidi suala hili.
Na tukijua zaidi undani hisa za hii kampuni ya Sinclair za sasa, tutaweza ‘kuinunua upya’ nchi yetu!
Mkuu Kitila,

Hali inasikitisha sana na kutisha pia. Tuombee 2010 labda tupate watu wazuri wengi kwenye nafasi mbalimbali.

Huo uchaguzi wa 2010, kama CCM watarudi kushika madaraka ya dola, futa kabisa mawazo ya kupata viongozi wazuri.

CCM imekuwa kama nyama iliyooza (sera mbovu, utekelezaji mbovu, ufuatiliaji mbovu, udhibiti mbovu), ila imetunzwa kwenye jokofu. Kula nyama ya namna hii, matokeo yake mnayafahamu.
Huo uchaguzi wa 2010, kama CCM watarudi kushika madaraka ya dola, futa kabisa mawazo ya kupata viongozi wazuri.

CCM imekuwa kama nyama iliyooza (sera mbovu, utekelezaji mbovu, ufuatiliaji mbovu, udhibiti mbovu), ila imetunzwa kwenye jokofu. Kula nyama ya namna hii, matokeo yake mnayafahamu.

Hivi mwenzetu unamawazo ya CCM kuondoka 2010??? Labda fikiria mkakati mwingine may be wa kuachana na JK maana nchi imemshinda!!! Kama CCM wataweza kumuondoa huyu jamaa kabla ya 2015 atlease watakuwa wametusaidia sana. Lakini suala la CCM kushindwa may be wana JF wote waingie mtaani kupiga kampeni badala ya kufanya kampeni za kwenye mtandao tu!!!!
Siyo kwamba Sinclair ni mbabaishaji ni kwamba viongozi wetu ndio wababaishaji yaani wameisha fikia kiasi cha kutufanya watanzania tuonekane hatuna maana ndio maana yake.

Inakuwaje wafanyabiashara tena ambao investiments kubwa ziko kwetu wanaandika mambo kama haya tena kwenye web?

Hii inatufungua macho jinsi tulivyouzwa na viongozi tuliowaamini. Wakati wa Buzwagi wakati Jk anakimbilia huko watu walisema haya haya ya huyu bwana Sinclair kufanya kazi Ikulu sasa ndo haya haya ametudhihirishia mwenyewe.

Kwa mwendo huu bado kuna mtu kahoji uhalali wa Mwanakijiji kutomsifia JK na kazi zake .Kazi zenyewe ndiyo hizi ?
Sinclair, chairman and CEO of the Canadian-based Tanzanian Royalty Exploration Corporation, also states that he has already had access to the recommendations of the final report of the mining sector review committee chaired by retired judge Mark Bomani - just days after the report was actually submitted to president Kikwete himself.

Sinclair furthermore declared that he was not worried about the future.

Bomani and other members of the committee presented the final report to president Kikwete at State House in Dar es Salaam on May 24 this year, and six days later (May 30) came Sinclairs website statement where he says in black and white:

Ive had the privilege of reviewing the (Bomani) committees recommendations - along with comments from the (Tanzania) Chamber of Mines - and have no serious issues with them. Whats important to know, however, is that the man who will make the final decision on the recommendations is the president - not the committee.

He continues: President Kikwete is an extremely knowledgeable and capable man who will do nothing to disturb the balanced fiscal policies that have produced enormous growth in Tanzanias economic base, most of it fuelled by international investors.

.................’’I’ve had the privilege of reviewing the (Bomani) committee’s recommendations - along with comments from the (Tanzania) Chamber of Mines - and have no serious issues with them. What’s important to know, however, is that the man who will make the final decision on the recommendations is the president - not the committee.’’.................

DAAMMNN!!!!.......this is our B*** S*** we created/formulated
Sinclair, chairman and CEO of the Canadian-based Tanzanian Royalty Exploration Corporation, also states that he has already had access to the recommendations of the final report of the mining sector review committee chaired by retired judge Mark Bomani - just days after the report was actually submitted to president Kikwete himself. Sinclair furthermore declared that he was not worried about the future.

Bomani and other members of the committee presented the final report to president Kikwete at State House in Dar es Salaam on May 24 this year, and six days later (May 30) came Sinclairs website statement where he says in black and white:

Ive had the privilege of reviewing the (Bomani) committees recommendations - along with comments from the (Tanzania) Chamber of Mines - and have no serious issues with them. Whats important to know, however, is that the man who will make the final decision on the recommendations is the president - not the committee.

He continues: President Kikwete is an extremely knowledgeable and capable man who will do nothing to disturb the balanced fiscal policies that have produced enormous growth in Tanzanias economic base, most of it fuelled by international investors.


Now I have confirmed the CHADEMAs Tundu Lissu and Mnyikas doubts that this committee was formed just to dilute public discussion on mining sector and absorb Zittos shock. It was a consensus between the investors (read: thieves) and the gate keeper (read: the collaborator), President Jakaya Kikwete. The CHADEMAs had warned us, that the issue is not forming another committee, what is lacking is the political will to implement the recommendations that had already been give by an endless list of other committees formed for similar purpose. So it was another waste of tax payers money (how much this time?) and recommendations given a just like those of the Masha Committee formed merely 2006. But now we have known who the washika mapembe are and who are the wakamua maziwa. Let us find a undertaker, JK is in the loop..

Mambo mengine huwezi hata kuamini kwa jinsi yanavyotia kichefuchefu! La ajabu ni kuwa bado kuna watu wazima, na sio wehu, wanasimama vifua mbele hadharani na kutamba kuwa tuna kiongozi makini. AIBU !
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