Mwarabu Amuua Mtumwa Mwafrika Kikatili


Oct 8, 2010
Arab prince brutally murders African slave
By Jihad Watch, 6 October 2010 –

This story is instructive on many levels. First, this Saudi prince likely figured he could beat the murder rap with a few phone calls, intervention from the embassy, and a quick flight back to Riyadh. In other words, he was acting above the law, with his servant entirely subject to his whims, as is clearly shown in an assault caught on surveillance camera at the link to the story below.

Secondly, regarding the "sexual aspect" the report details, as demonstrated by the type of injuries found on the servant's body, one must point out that the consequence of homosexuality under Sharia is often death, in potentially macabre, imaginative ways:
"Gay people should be thrown head first off high buildings and if not killed on hitting the ground, they should be then stoned to death." - Minhaj al-Muslim (The Way of the Muslim)
And Muhammad himself said: "If you find anyone doing as Lot's people did, kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done" (Sunan Abu Dawud 38.4447).
At least, that is the fate that threatens those in Muslim countries who happen not to be princes, or wealthy, or well-connected.

The aforementioned video footage, as well as the coroner's report, suggest the abuse had been going on for some time. Had the servant died in Saudi Arabia, accounts of his death may never have seen the light of day. It would be entirely the prince's word against his. And if he so chose, or found it necessary, the prince could have offered diyya, or blood money prescribed according to Islamic law, in order to get away scot-free.

But in Britain, justice can actually be done for the servant. And so, this case underscores by contrast how Sharia stacks the deck against justice for the poor, marginalized, and vulnerable, who bear the brunt of Sharia's rule more heavily. That includes both the victims, and those accused who cannot buy or schmooze their way out of trouble.

"'Sexual element' in Saudi prince's servant killing," from BBC News, October 4:
A Saudi prince murdered his servant in an attack which had a "sexual element", the Old Bailey has heard. Bandar Abdulaziz, 32, was found beaten and strangled in the Landmark Hotel, Marylebone, central London, on 15 February.

The court was told Saud Abdulaziz bin Nasser al Saud had carried out several assaults on the victim before he died. Mr al Saud, 34, admits manslaughter but denies murder and one count of causing grievous bodily harm with intent. The jury has been asked to decide whether he is guilty of manslaughter or murder. When the body was found the prince claimed his aide had been attacked and robbed three weeks before his death.

But the jury was told Mr al Saud carried out the killing - and injuries including bite marks to Mr Abdulaziz's face showed the "ferocity of the attack to which he had been subjected".
The prince has claimed he was "friends and equals" with his servant and denied being gay.
Jonathan Laidlaw QC, prosecuting, said: "The evidence establishes quite conclusively that he is either gay or that he has homosexual tendencies. "It is clear that his abuse of Bandar was not confined simply to physical beatings. "There is clear evidence, over and above the bite marks, that there was also a sexual element to his mistreatment of the victim."

The court heard that the prince and his aide had been staying together at the hotel since 20 January as part of an extended holiday. Mr Abdulaziz's body was found with blood on the pillow and the defendant appeared "shocked and upset", the court heard. Mr al Saud told police officers they had been drinking in the hotel bar until the early hours of the morning before returning to the room and that when he woke at about 1500 GMT he could not rouse the victim. The prince had tried to clean up some of the blood and wash some of Mr Abdulaziz's bloodstained clothing, Mr Laidlaw said.

'Sexual connotation'
Bloodstains found in the room were "consistent with the victim having been the subject of a series of separate assaults before he was killed", the jury heard. Asked by police about the injuries suffered by the victim, Mr al Saud said he had been robbed three weeks earlier on Edgware Road, in central London.

But CCTV footage showed the prince attacking his servant in the lift of the hotel on two separate occasions in previous weeks and kicking him outside a restaurant on the night of his death.
The post-mortem examination showed Mr Abdulaziz had suffered heavy blows to his head and face, leaving his left eye closed and swollen, his lips split and his teeth chipped and broken.
There were also injuries to his neck, ears and internal organs, bleeding to the brain and a rib fracture. "There were bite marks to his cheeks, which had 'an obvious sexual connotation," Mr Laidlaw said.

Posted by Marisol on October 6, 2010 12:06 AM |


Steffen Larsen | October 6, 2010 12:39 AM | Reply
To be a Saud must be very nice -)
But it is strange that he is standing trial at all instead of being in Saudi Arabia: embassies tend to interfere in matters where Saudis have broken local laws, to the effect that everything is forgiven and the perpetrators are whisked back to be photographed with a smiling Royal to take the credit. Perhaps they've given up on him - he very clearly is a disaster waiting to happen - and also we have still to see if he's given a decent sentence.

persikas | October 6, 2010 12:40 AM | Reply
I was thinking some deal would be done to get him off but as he's outed as gay ....the saudis might like to see him swing

Thomas Pellow | October 6, 2010 12:50 AM | Reply
"Caught on CCTV: Moment gay Saudi prince attacked manservant in hotel lift... months before he 'sexually abused and battered him to death'"

Read more:
Irony Man | October 6, 2010 1:09 AM | Reply

Sky News reported that his treatment of Mr Abdulaziz was slave-like. Well in Islam, slaves aren't exactly prohibited. I guess the rest of the Saud Royal family possibly has female slaves to sate their sexual desires and male slaves for more mundane services?
But then as far as boyish youths go:


Homosexuality was and is widely practised in Islamic conutries. To please the homosexuals among his followers he promised them pre-pubescent boys in Paradise. So after committing plunder, loot, rape and murder in this life, the followers of Islam get "rewarded" by untouched virginal youths who are fresh like pearls.
The relevant verses from the Koran are:
Koran 52:24
Round about them will serve, to them, boys (handsome) as pearls well-guarded.
Koran 56:17
Round about them will serve boys of perpetual freshness.
Koran 76:19
And round about them will serve boys of perpetual freshness: if thou seest them, thou wouldst think them scattered pearls.

Dotty Young | October 6, 2010 1:58 AM | Reply
21 See, the LORD is coming out of his dwelling
to punish the people of the earth for their sins.
The earth will disclose the blood shed upon her;
she will conceal her slain no longer.
This was in my bible reading today. My heart just broke for this man, who would have died in secret in Saudi Arabia. Pray for justice.

Tommo | October 6, 2010 2:05 AM | Reply
Soldiers serving in the Middle East during the war came back with stories of young boys having favoured positions with men who treated them like lovers. This relationship wasn't hidden and seemed to be widely accepted. Soldiers also reported coming upon groups of boys sitting on penis shaped wooden pegs designed to widen their anal opening.
I always understood that in Islam boys were not considered male until puberty. To the totally corrupt Arabs it is not a homosexual act to rape a prepubescent boy.

Kepha | October 6, 2010 2:43 AM | Reply
Islam--the world's horniest religion

Buraq | October 6, 2010 2:56 AM | Reply
I lived in Saudi during the 1990s and everyone spoke about the high incidence of homosexuality in the population due to the gender-apartheid enforced by Islam.
The unnatural, so-called religion of Islam with bizarre social rules based on rigid control of society is entirely to blame.

Aardvark replied to comment from persikas | October 6, 2010 3:41 AM | Reply
If by 'swing' you mean he will be hanged, then that is not the case. There is no longer a death penalty for murder in the UK. He will get a 'life' sentence at most, which means in practice that he will be released in about five to ten years if he behaves himself in prison.
Ridiculous, isn't it?

imamerican | October 6, 2010 3:43 AM | Reply
Why do we never see this reported in the MSM?

Schnellmann_org | October 6, 2010 3:45 AM | Reply
Gay Saudi prince ’strangled his manservant to death at top London hotel in sexually-motivated killing’

Homosexality is punish by death according to Quran 7:80-84

KrazyKafir | October 6, 2010 4:09 AM | Reply
Your honor, I did kill him, but, I didn't murder him. It is not my fault that his body was insufficiently strong enough to withstand his duties under my employment.

Hermit | October 6, 2010 4:18 AM | Reply
Nothing that a few military contracts can't sort out. In the US, he'd probably be escorted to the nearset airfield and would have flown home in his private jet by now.
Contrary to his Islamic teaching, this sick psycho drank, gambled and was gay, but treated his employee according to the hadiths.
Arabism is a violent culture. Who knows what's happening to women (both their own and workers from poor countries like India and Philippines) there – certainly not the Western feminists or the progressives – no, they can't get enough of the misogynist Islamic culture.
Nobody in their right mind would set a foot in any Arab or Islamic country.
BTW, has anyone notice, the slave was black? Hmm…

Isabellathecrusader | October 6, 2010 4:31 AM | Reply
Death by M-M-M; Muslim Male with Money.
Hermit | October 6, 2010 4:45 AM | Reply
The sick psycho prince's father is a nephew of the king (of Saudi Arabia) and his mother is a daughter of the king.
In other words, inbred retards. What do you expect.
duh_swami | October 6, 2010 5:01 AM | Reply

Sharif El-Gamal has said that "when you beat up someone physically you get exercise & stress relief,"
Must be in the genes...There must be some benefit to treating slaves like that, it seems to be widespread in Islam...
CGW | October 6, 2010 5:29 AM | Reply
Savages. They're all savages.
Isabellathecrusader | October 6, 2010 5:42 AM | Reply
Is this the arrogance and blatant disregard for other people's lives that we want to bring into our countries? How come there is no word from Jesse Jackson or the Reverend Al (Sharpton) on this atrocity? What, nothing they can exploit here?
And where are all the resident trolls for this thread? Hitting too close to home, eh boys? There is no homosexuality in Islam. Except for when there is.
Jan replied to comment from Steffen Larsen | October 6, 2010 5:51 AM | Reply
Yes, this struck me as well. Also the fact that it was actually reported by the bullshit BBC - although you'll notice they didn't mention 'muslim'. A sad indictment of our times, when we have to feel so suspicious of the reason this vile animal has actually been called to book for his crime, and be suspicious as to WHY it's being reported by part of the bullshit msm. Whoops, my paranoia is showing ...
T2M | October 6, 2010 5:59 AM | Reply
I can't believe he isn't in custody, he is charged with murder and has the means to leave the country and would never be returned by his home country.
England is very laid back when it comes to murder from the looks of things.
Jan replied to comment from Steffen Larsen | October 6, 2010 6:00 AM | Reply
Oh, as well; possibly the saudi's are afraid if they bring him home, some smelly old mullah will issue a fatwa against him, and he might end up being beheaded, or whatever ghastly penalty exists for homosexuality in their benighted country.
MUCH better to let the stupid 'useful ******' try him, he'll only get a light sentence ( a year in an open prison for manslaughter, maybe?) and then we can accuse the infidels of anti-saudism, or anti-islamism, or, or, well, just about anything we can think up. A win-win scenario, no ?
Islamophobically | October 6, 2010 6:17 AM | Reply
It's interesting to note that Islam and its consequences for homosexuality were conveniently left out of the BBC coverage. Allah forbid we offend those offensive ones.
Steffen Larsen replied to comment from Jan | October 6, 2010 6:23 AM | Reply
Ha ha, you old Islamophobe you: I hadn't thought of it like that, but returning home could very well be the worst of several evils. Perhaps he'll even think of prison as Paradise? Who knows, all-male company that will enable him to show how butch and tough he really is.
Hey, he can endow a new prison-mosque and curry favors that way too.
Steffen Larsen replied to comment from Islamophobically | October 6, 2010 6:32 AM | Reply
In line with the sad fact that accusations of Islamophobia are perfectly acceptable and even used by Western Apologists and other self-haters, whereas mentioning the Quranic attitudes towards the Infidel - denunciations, threats, mockery, supremacism, hate-mongering, war-mongering etc etc - is a strict no-no and only serves to prove the alleged Islamophobia.
KrazyKafir replied to comment from Jan | October 6, 2010 6:34 AM | Reply
If the moslem was just some poor hapless Saudi sap, I would tend to agree, but royal money trumps fatwas, me thinks
121Ads Com | October 6, 2010 6:49 AM | Reply
ron | October 6, 2010 7:01 AM | Reply

"Beware of false prophets... by their fruits ye shall know them". Matthew 7:15
basi menon | October 6, 2010 7:29 AM | Reply
Any on of you who know betting shops should place serious money on this "animal" leaving England very soon on some secret arrangement between the governments. With all the rest of "kowtowing" activities other governments indulge in, I can't see this abomination serving a meaningful sentence. Wish you luck if you do place any bets!!
Stormwarning replied to comment from Hermit | October 6, 2010 7:33 AM | Reply
Hermit: "BTW, has anyone notice, the slave was black? Hmm…"
That was the first thing that jumped out at me too, having seen the photos. The "prince" might be a racist, taking it for granted that he can do whatever he likes to a "raisin-head".
I noticed another thing, as well. The second names of both the victim and the murderer were Abdulaziz. Bandar, the victim, was adopted "by a middle-class family". Could Bandar have been a distant relative by adoption, and despised by the so-called prince, all his life?
Isabellathecrusader replied to comment from 121Ads Com | October 6, 2010 7:36 AM | Reply
Well, except that some are more equal than others.
undaunted | October 6, 2010 7:42 AM | Reply
Generally, murders committed by a homosexual against a homosexual are characterized by unusual brutality. Ergo, Occam suggests the prince was probably intimate with his servant.
Go figure.
SSL replied to comment from Isabellathecrusader | October 6, 2010 8:25 AM | Reply
Echo the silent outcry from Gay Rights Lobby . . .
Likewise, as mentioned many times here, the same silence from Women's Rights Groups when the stonings are au courant.
I cannot figure any rationale for either of the deafening silences.
I speculate, likely senselessly, on two possibilities:
Rights groups in the civilized west have everything they want (i.e. when one's own butt is on satin, to blazes with anyone else); or they are ever-so fully protected, they can sue for a bunch when they do mewl about some minutiae.
We ARE at WAR!
Biff Henderson | October 6, 2010 9:05 AM | Reply
First rule of S&M is the safe word. Too Bid'a for Islam?
perpster | October 6, 2010 9:38 AM | Reply
Me thinks the prince was involved in some unauthorized caning with his rhythm stick. Off with his heads! The big one AND the little one! Let him go guard harems, for he is haram.
persikas | October 6, 2010 9:44 AM | Reply
When I say ' swing ' I mean ' he's going to get it ',
not literally hang .
If they did hang him , I wouldn't be able to sleep -
oh ........ I don't know - maybe I could
logdon | October 6, 2010 10:02 AM | Reply
Talking of 'sexual aspects'....

Busy Finish to Busy Month for UK Muslim Rapists, Paedophiles & Pimps ** UPDATED **
In my last blog Busy Month for UK Muslim Rapists, Paedophiles & Pimps I cited nine incidents of said crimes committed against the British people - more specifically in England. The last date was September 21st and I cautioned that the month was not yet over so more crimes could be expected.
I was right.
Here is the finish to a busy month for UK Muslim Rapists, Paedophiles & Pimps:
Tenth--- September 24th, "ANGRY and rejected” at being spurned by a woman on a night out, Yassin Mohamed reacted by dragging a 19 year old student off an Oxford street and raping her. Mohamed told her not to scream or he would kill he. Mohamed inflicted hours of a humiliating series of sexual acts”, on the young woman, that lasted until after 6am. The young woman's bank card was used to remove £300 from her account — the offender having forced her to tell him her PIN.” Aside from the horrific and repeated rapes, the victims - who had never had sex before- suffered 13 injuries to her neck and head and was too distressed to have a full doctor’s examination. Mohamed pled guilty. SOURCE
Eleventh --- September 27th, Police release an e-fit image of a many who sexually assaulted a West Yorkshire woman while she was slept in her own bed in her own home. The man is described as an "Asian man in his 20s or 30s". "The victim of this attack is currently being cared for by specially trained professionals" SOURCE
Twelfth --- September 29th, a 23-year-old woman was seriously sexually assaulted by a man who approached her as she walked along a canal tow path in Lancashire. The woman was walking along the bank off Colne Road in Burnley on Tuesday when a man came up to her and struck up a conversation. The man then forced her to some rough grassland where he attacked her. Police said the man is Asian, 5ft 8in (1.7m) tall with a round face and cleanly shaven. SOURCE
Thirteenth ---September 30th, A 24-year-old Oldbury man who took part in the brutal gang rape of a teenage girl has been put behind bars for eight years. Ibrar Mohammed was one of five men involved in the terrifying sex attack on their 17-year-old victim after she had been taken to a house in the area. Mohammed of Walford Street together with Harjinder Singh 25 and Haider Kanwal 30, both of Vicarage Street. All found guilty by a jury at Wolverhampton Crown Court. All three men they must register as Sex Offenders for the rest of their life. One man wasn't prosecuted and a fifth man has fled the country. SOURCE
More, much more on...
RosettaStone | October 6, 2010 10:06 AM | Reply
Awwwww!!! There goes another one of Gutfeld's customers. How's his business supposed to survive!!!
shortfattexan replied to comment from SSL | October 6, 2010 11:03 AM | Reply
I cannot figure any rationale for either of the deafening silences.
The utter silence from the left on any matters pertaining to Islam is something that has mystified me for years. You would think that the American left would be among the most vocal of Islam's critics. Remember, these are the people that called the Boy Scouts of America "Nazis" for refusing to allow openly gay scout masters.
The only theory that makes any sense is that it's all about rebels: one thing that all liberals have in common is that they never got over their teen angst - rebelling against authority simply for the sake of rebelling is cool. Whether justifiably or not, in the minds of most liberals, Christianity and Judaism are associated with "The Establishment". Therefore, support for any other religion = sticking it to The Man = I'm cool.
Battle_of_Tours | October 6, 2010 11:09 AM | Reply
Oh, the Saudi prince was just doing "choking sex" with his male black slave.
It's also called "erotic asphyxiation sex", too vigorously, no? What's the big deal?
Doesn't everybody do it? He just took it to the Islamic max high... Death!
Roxane | October 6, 2010 11:22 AM | Reply
I wonder how many African-American converts to islam will note that a black man was kept as a sex slave by an Arab muslim? The slave was beaten, raped and murdered by his muslim master in the year 2010.The muslim slave master faces trial in the West he would have gone free in an islamic country, thanks to sharia law.
Mary Esterhammer-Fic | October 6, 2010 11:43 AM | Reply
In several eye-witness accounts by 19th century explorers, ie, Sir Richard Burton's visit to Mecca, "caravan brides" are young boys brought along on journeys to service their elders.
I once came across a chilling photo in a book about the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The Soviets pulled out while a number of POW's were still held by the Afghans, and in one picture, a couple of young, blond soldiers were shown sitting in their captors' camp. They looked kind of out of it--drugged or dazed--and they seemed to just be hanging out like stray dogs. It was pretty clear why they were being kept.
I wonder how many of these guys were left there...and I wonder what the Afghans did with them once they outgrew being cute teens.
tanstaafl replied to comment from Mary Esterhammer-Fic | October 6, 2010 11:59 AM | Reply
Look what the jihadis did at Beslan.
Paul Hoffman | October 6, 2010 12:38 PM | Reply
This is what can happen if the "Bride Finder" at the mosque, takes too long. Right, DOI ?
M rob | October 6, 2010 12:57 PM | Reply
I am rather surprised that blacks would convert to Islam seeing as how Muslims were the first raiders in africa to round up blacks and sell them as slaves. Arabs are killing and enslaving Africans in Africa to this day. Arabs consider blacks to be inferior to them and treat them as such in their countries.
BlueRaven | October 6, 2010 1:59 PM | Reply
"Saudi prince accused in brutal murder of servant finds he's not above the law in Britain" -
This incident in my view has nothing to do with Islam. More ME history I get through more I get to know that is a norm over there. That was going on even pre-Mo times.
This kind of sicko stuff we can find it anywhere in any society through out the world. There is plenty of shock raking stuff I've read about some of our demented folks right over here.
Roger Cole | October 6, 2010 2:05 PM | Reply
Well, he certainly won't "swing" persikas, more likely he'll be out in a very few years after being entertained quite nicely at the U.K. taxpayers' expense in the meantime. Of course that won't stop him considering himself the victim in all this.
Littlenan | October 6, 2010 2:40 PM | Reply
I cannot understand why a cult which despises homosexuality and actually considers it a capital offence, allows and even encourages bacha bazi boys. These are just kids whom the old men can homosexually abuse after they have done their dancing before the grey bearded droolers.
Littlenan replied to comment from Roger Cole | October 6, 2010 2:43 PM | Reply
I don't think he will be in for more than a few months if that. He will be quietly extradited under a type of Scottish Compassionate Release or more likely released and granted asylum on the grounds he will be killed if he returns home.
Kepha replied to comment from Roxane | October 6, 2010 2:51 PM | Reply
I wonder how many African-American converts to islam will note that a black man was kept as a sex slave by an Arab muslim?
They'll accuse Whitey and the JOOOOOOOOOZ of manufacturing the story.
Ali Baba replied to comment from SSL | October 6, 2010 4:22 PM | Reply
SSL, "Echo the silent outcry from Gay Rights Lobby . . .
I cannot figure any rationale for either of the deafening silences."
What kind of statement would you like the "Gay Rights Lobby" to issue in this case??? It's preposterous and unreasonable!
The prince did not murder the servant because he is homophobic. Homosexuality is against his religion but most likely that's not the motive...
You seem to have a problem with homosexuality and will likely criticize the gay community regardless of whether we condemn this brutal crime or not.
Ali Baba replied to comment from SSL | October 6, 2010 4:23 PM | Reply
SSL, "Echo the silent outcry from Gay Rights Lobby . . .
I cannot figure any rationale for either of the deafening silences."
What kind of statement would you like the "Gay Rights Lobby" to issue in this case??? It's preposterous and unreasonable!
The prince did not murder the servant because he is homophobic. Homosexuality is against his religion but most likely that's not the motive...
You seem to have a problem with homosexuality and will likely criticize the gay community regardless of whether we condemn this brutal crime or not.
Paula replied to comment from Stormwarning | October 6, 2010 7:23 PM | Reply
I don't believe Bandar was a distant relative by adoption. He was probably bought as a child by the "middle-class" couple who kept him as an unpaid servant (slave) then gave or sold him to the Prince - circumstances of the transfer unknown. The name similarity could have been added after the transfer. I believe Bandar was a personal slave living at the mercy of his master.
Even in Brazil (another part of the world, but a similar practice) it was not uncommon until recent times for a white family to adopt a black child and use the black child as unpaid nursemaid or servant (slave).
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