Mrijuana and Illuminati - The Marijuana Conspiracy

· Maybe we should all be reading this book, butalso as a history lesson in to the ways of politcis and business. Not government for the people by the people. I think they have forgotten the people.
The Emperor Wears No Clothes, chapter 3.
By Jack Herer

February 1938 – Popular Mechanics Magazine:

February 1938 – Mechanical Engineering Magazine:

Modern technology was about to be applied to hemp production, making it the number-one agricultural resource in America. Two of the most respected and influential journals in the nation, Popular Mechanicsand Mechanical Engineering, forecast a bright future for American hemp. Thousandsof new products creating millions of new jobs would herald the end of the GreatDepression. Instead hemp was persecuted, outlawed and forgotten at the biddingof W. R. Hearst, who branded hemp the “Mexican killer weed, marihuana.”

As early as 1901 and continuing to 1937, the U.S.Department of Agriculture repeatedly predicted that, once machinery capable of harvesting, As you will see in these articles, the newly mechanized strippingand separating the fiber from the pulp was cannabis hemp industry was in itsinfancy, but well on invented or engineered, hemp would again be America’snumber-one farm crop. The introduction of G. W. decorticator in 1917 nearlyfulfilled this prophesy. (See pages 13-15 and Appendix.)

The prediction was reaffirmed in the popularpress when Popular Mechanics published its February 1938 article“Billion-Dollar Crop.” The first reproduction of this article in over 50 yearswas in the original edition of this book. The article is reproduced hereexactly as it was printed in 1938.

Because of the printing schedule and deadline,Popular Mechanics prepared this article in spring of 1937 when cannabis hempfor fiber, paper, dynamite and oil, was still legal to grow and was, in fact,an incredibly fast-growing industry.
Also reprinted in this chapter is an excerpt fromthe Mechanical Engineering article about hemp, published the same month. Itoriginated as a paper presented a year earlier at the Feb. 26, 1937Agricultural Processing Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers,New Brunswick, New Jersey.

Reports from the USDA during the 1930s, andCongressional testimony in 1937, showed that cultivated hemp acreage had beendoubling in size in America almost every year from the time it hit its bottomacreage, 1930-when 1,000 acres were planted in the U.S. – to 1937 – when 14,000acres were cultivated with plans to continue to double that acreage annually inthe foreseeable future.

As you will see in these articles, the newlymechanized cannabis hemp industry was in its infancy, but well on its way tomaking cannabis America’s largest agricultural crop. And in light of subsequentdevelopments (e.g. biomass energy technology, building materials, etc.), we nowknow that hemp is the world’s most important ecological resource and therefore,potentially our planet’s single largest industry.

The Popular Mechanics article was the very firsttime in American history that the term “billion-dollar”* was ever applied toany U.S. agricultural crop!

*Equivalent to $40-$80 billion now.

Experts today conservatively estimate that, oncefully restored in America, hemp industries will generate $500 billion to atrillion dollars per year, and will save the planet and civilization fromfossil fuels and their derivatives – and from deforestation!

If Harry Anslinger, DuPont, Hearst and theirpaid-for (know it or not, then as now) politicians had not outlawed hemp –under the pretext of marijuana (see Chapter 4, “Last Days of Legal Cannabis”) –and suppressed hemp knowledge from our schools, researchers and evenscientists, the glowing predictions in these articles would already have cometrue by now – and more benefits than anyone could then envision – as newtechnologies and uses continue to develop.

As one colleague so aptly put it, “These articleswere the last honest word spoken on hemp’s behalf for over 40 years…”
New Billion-Dollar Crop Popular Mechanics,February 1938

American farmers are promised new cash crop withan annual value of several hundred million dollars, all because a machine hasbeen invented which solves a problem more than 6,000 years old. It is hemp, acrop that will not compete with other American products. Instead, it willdisplace imports of raw material and manufactured products produced byunderpaid coolie and peasant labor and it will provide thousands of jobs forAmerican workers throughout the land. The machine which makes this possible isdesigned for removing the fiber-bearing cortex from the rest of the stalk,making hemp fiber available for use without a prohibitive amount of humanlabor. Hemp is the standard fiber of the world. It has great tensile strengthand durability. It is used to produce more than 5,000 textile products, rangingfrom rope to fine laces, and the woody “hurds” remaining after the fiber hasbeen removed contains more than seventy-seven per cent cellulose, and can beused to produce more than 25,000 produces, ranging from dynamite to Cellophane.

Machines now in service in Texas, Illinois,Minnesota and other states are producing fiber at a manufacturing cost of halfa cent a pound, and are finding a profitable market for the rest of the stalk.Machine operators are making a good profit in competition with coolie-producedforeign fiber while paying farmers fifteen dollars a ton for hemp as it comesfrom the field.

From the farmers’ point of view, hemp is an easycrop to grow and will yield from three to six tons per acre on any land thatwill grow corn, wheat, or oats. It has a short growing season, so that it canbe planted after other crops are in. It can be grown in any state of the union.The long roots penetrate and break the soil to leave it in perfect conditionfor the next year’s crop. The dense shock of leaves, eight to twelve feet aboutthe ground, chokes out weeds. Two successive crops are enough to reclaim landthat has been abandoned because of Canadian thistles or quack grass.

Under old methods, hemp was cut and allowed tolie in the fields for weeks until it “retted” enough so the fibers could bepulled off by hand. Retting is simply rotting as a result of dew, rain andbacterial action. Machines were developed to separate the fibers mechanicallyafter retting was complete, but the cost was high, the loss of fiber great, andthe quality of fiber comparatively low. With the new machine, known as adecorticator, hemp is cut with a slightly modified grain binder. It isdelivered to the machine where an automatic chain conveyer feeds it to thebreaking arms at the rate of two or three tons per hour. The hurds are brokeninto fine pieces which drop into the hopper, from where they are delivered byblower to a baler or to truck or freight car for loose shipment. The fibercomes from the other end of the machine, ready for baling.

From this point on almost anything can happen.The raw fiber can be used to produce strong twine or rope, woven into burlap,used for carpet warp or linoleum backing or it may be bleached and refined,with resinous by-products of high commercial value. It can, in fact, be used toreplace the foreign fibers which now flood our markets.

Thousands of tons of hemp hurds are used everyyear by one large powder company for the manufacturer of dynamite and TNT. Alarge paper company, which has been paying more than a million dollars a yearin duties on foreign-made cigarette papers, now is manufacturing these papersfrom American hemp grown in Minnesota. A new factory in Illinois is producingfine bond papers from hemp. The natural materials in hemp make it an economicalsource of pulp for any grade of paper manufactured, and the high percentage ofalpha cellulose promises an unlimited supply of raw material for the thousandsof cellulose products our chemists have developed.

It is generally believed that all linen isproduced from flax. Actually, the majority comes from hemp – authoritiesestimate that more than half of our imported linen fabrics are manufacturedfrom hemp fiber. Another misconception is that burlap is made from hemp.Actually, its source is usually jute, and practically all of the burlap we useis woven by laborers in India who receive only four cents a day. Binder twineis usually made from sisal which comes from Yucatan and East Africa

All of these products, now imported, can beproduced from home-grown hemp. Fish nets, bow strings, canvas, strong rope,overalls, damask tablecloths, fine linen garments, towels, bed linen andthousands of other everyday items can be grown on American farms. Our importsof foreign fabrics and fibers average about $200,000,000 per year; in rawfibers alone we imported over $50,000,000 in the first six months of 1937. Allof this income can be made available for Americans.

The paper industry offers even greaterpossibilities. As an industry it amounts to over $1,000,000,000 a year, and ofthat eighty per cent is imported. But hemp will produce every grade of paper,and government figures estimate that 10,000 acres devoted to hemp will produceas much paper as 40,000 acres of average pulp land.

One obstacle in the onward march of hemp is thereluctance of farmers to try new crops. The problem is complicated by the needfor proper equipment a reasonable distance from the farm. The machine cannot beoperated profitably unless there is enough acreage within driving range andfarmers cannot find a profitable market unless there is machinery to handle thecrop. Another obstacle is that the blossom of the female hemp plant contains marijuana,a narcotic, and it is impossible to grow hemp without producing the blossom.Federal regulations now being drawn up require registration of hemp growers,and tentative proposals for preventing narcotic production are ratherstringent.

However, the connection of hemp as a crop and marijuana seems to beexaggerated. The drug is usually produced from wild hemp or locoweed which canbe found on vacant lots and along railroad tracks in every state. If federalregulations can be drawn to protect the public without preventing thelegitimate culture of hemp, this new crop can add immeasurably to Americanagriculture and industry.

The Most Profitable and Desirable Crop that Canbe Grown

Mechanical Engineering, February 26, 1937

“Flax and Hemp: From the Seed to the Loom” waspublished in the February 1938 issue of Mechanical Engineering magazine. It wasoriginally presented at the Agricultural Processing Meeting of the AmericanSociety of Mechanical Engineers in New Brunswick, NY of February 26, 1937 bythe Process Industries Division.
Flax and Hemp: From the Seed to the Loom

By George A. Lower

This country imports practically all of itsfibers except cotton. The Whitney gin, combined with improved spinning methods,enabled this country to produce cotton goods so far below the cost of linenthat linen manufacture practically ceased in the United States. We cannotproduce our fibers at less cost than can other farmers of the world. Aside fromthe higher cost of labor, we do not get as large production. For instance,Yugoslavia, which has the greatest fiber production per are in Europe, recentlyhad a yield of 883 lbs. Comparable figures for other countries are Argentina,749 lbs.; Egypt 616 lbs.; and India, 393 lbs.; while the average yield in thiscountry is 383 lbs.

To meet world competition profitably, we mustimprove our methods all the way from the field to the loom.

Flax is still pulled up by the roots, retted in apond, dried in the sun, broken until the fibers separate from the wood, thenspun, and finally bleached with lye from wood ashes, potash from burnedseaweed, or lime. Improvements in tilling, planting, and harvesting mechanismshave materially helped the large farmers and, to a certain degree, the smallerones, but the processes from the crop to the yarn are crude, wasteful and landinjurious. Hemp, the strongest of the vegetable fibers, gives the greatestproduction per acre and requires the least attention. It not only requires noweeding, but also kills off all the weeds and leaves the soil in splendidcondition for the following crop. This, irrespective of its own monetary value,makes it a desirable crop to grow.
In climate and cultivation, its requisites are similar to flax and like flax,should be harvested before it is too ripe. The best time is when the lowerleaves on the stalk wither and the flowers shed their pollen.

Like flax, the fibers run out where leaf stemsare on the stalks and are made up of laminated fibers that are held together bypectose gums. When chemically treated like flax, hemp yields a beautiful fiberso closely resembling flax that a high-power microscope is needed to tell thedifference – and only then because in hemp, some of the ends are split. Wettinga few strands of fiber and holding them suspended will definitely identify thetwo because, upon drying, flax will be found to turn to the right or clockwise,and hemp to the left or counterclockwise.

Before [World War I], Russia produced 400,000tons of hemp, all of which is still hand-broken and hand-scutched. They now producehalf that quantity and use most of it themselves, as also does Italy from whomwe had large importations.

In this country, hemp, when planted one bu. peracre, yields about three tons of dry straw per acre. From 15 to 20 percent ofthis is fiber, and 80 to 85 percent is woody material. The rapidly growingmarket for cellulose and wood flower for plastics gives good reason to believethat this hitherto wasted material may prove sufficiently profitable to pay forthe crop, leaving the cost of the fiber sufficiently low to compete with500,000 tons of hard fiber now imported annually.

Hemp being from two to three times as strong asany of the hard fibers, much less weight is required to give the same yardage.For instance, sisal binder twine of 40-lb. tensile strength runs 450 ft. to thelb. A better twine made of hemp would run 1280 ft. to the lb. Hemp is notsubject to as many kinds of deterioration as are the tropical fibers, and noneof them lasts as long in either fresh or salt water.

While the theory in the past has been that strawshould be cut when the pollen starts to fly, some of the best fiber handled byMinnesota hemp people was heavy with seed. This point should be proved as soonas possible by planting a few acres and then harvesting the first quarter whenthe pollen is flying, the second and third a week or 10 days apart, and thelast when the seed is fully matured. These four lots should be kept separateand scutched and processed separately to detect any difference in the qualityand quantity of the fiber and seed.

Several types of machines are available in thiscountry for harvesting hemp. One of these was brought out several years ago bythe International Harvester Company. Recently, growers of hemp in the MiddleWest have rebuilt regular grain binders for this work. This rebuilding is notparticularly expensive and the machines are reported to give satisfactoryservice.

Degumming of hemp is analogous to the treatmentgiven flax. The shards probably offer slightly more resistance to digestion. Onthe other hand, they break down readily upon completion of the digestionprocess. And excellent fiber can, therefore, be obtained from hemp also. Hemp,when treated by a known chemical process, can be spun on cotton, wool, andworsted machinery, and has as much absorbency and wearing quality as linen.

Several types of machines for scutching the hempstalks are also on the market. Scutch mills formerly operating in Illinois andWisconsin used the system that consisted of a set of eight pairs of flutedrollers, through which the dried straw was passed to break up the woodyportion. From there, the fiber with adhering shards – or hurds, as they arecalled – was transferred by an operator to an endless chain conveyer. Thiscarries the fiber past two revolving single drums in tandem, all having beatingblades on their periphery, which beat off most of the hurds as well as thefibers that do not run the full length of the stalks. The proportion of linefiber to tow is 50% each. Tow or short tangled fibers then go to a vibratingcleaner that shakes out some of the hurds. In Minnesota and Illinois, anothertype has been tried out. This machine consists of a feeding table upon whichthe stalks are placed horizontally. Conveyor chains carry the stalks along untilthey are grasped by a clamping chain that grips them and carries them throug hhalf of the machine.

A pair of intermeshing lawnmower-type beaters areplaced at a 45-degree angle to the feeding chain and break the hemp stalks overthe sharp edge of a steel plate, the object being to break the woody portion ofthe straw and whip the hurds from the fiber. On the other side and slightlybeyond the first set of lawnmower beaters is another set, which is placed90-degrees from the first pair and whips out the hurds.

The first clamping chain transfers the stalks toanother to scutch the fiber that was under the clamp at the beginning.Unfortunately, this type of scutcher makes even more tow than the so-calledWisconsin type. This tow is difficult to re-clean because the hurds are brokeninto long slivers that tenaciously adhere to the fiber.
Another type passes the stalks through a seriesof graduated fluted rollers. This breaks up the woody portion into hurds about3/4 inch long, and the fiber then passes on through a series of reciprocatingslotted plates working between stationary slotted plates.

Adhering hurds are removed from the fiber whichcontinues on a conveyer to the baling press. Because no beating of the fiberagainst the grain occurs, this type of scutcher make only line fiber. This isthen processed by the same methods as those for flax.

Paint and lacquer manufacturers are interested inhempseed oil which is a good drying agent. When markets have been developed forthe products now being wasted, seed and hurds, hemp will prove, both for thefarmer and the public, the most profitable and desirable crop that can begrown, and one that can make American mills independent of importations.
Recent floods and dust storms have given warningsagainst the destruction of timber. Possibly, the hitherto waste products offlax and hemp may yet meet a good part of that need, especially in the plasticfield which is growing by leaps and bounds.
I'm so high,i even touch the sky
Above the falling rain
I feel so good in my neighborhood,so
Here i come again...
naipenda sana hii kitu na siwezi kuicha kamwe
tupo pamoja mkuu Apollo
Ama kweli hii kitu imeandikwa na mvuta bangi, ametetea kwa nguvu zote, still consuming the information in the doc. I will be back.
Ama kweli hii kitu imeandikwa na mvuta bangi, ametetea kwa nguvu zote, still consuming the information in the doc. I will be back.

Angalia maneno yako mkuu, kuhukumu kwa macho sio kuzuri. Inaonekana hujaelewa mada, mada sio kuvuta herb, mada ni facts juu ya herb.

Pili, sivuti bangi, sinywi pombe na wala situmii sigara na drugs yoyote. Ila nawaunga mkono wanaoitumia kistaarabu na bila kutumia source nyingine za relaxation kama pombe na sigara. Mada ni matumizi ya herb katika dunia ya sasa iliyojaa kemikali na products za maabara. Herb ni source ya vitu vingi na ni natural, ndio dawa ya kale duniani tangu 9000BC, Ilitumika kwa mafuta, karatasi, chakula, dawa n.k. Hakuna ukweli kwanini ni Illegal still wanajikanyaga wenyewe wakati sigara, pombe, aspirin n.k vina madhara zaidi yake.
Kasome kuhusiana na herb uelewi na usiwahukumu watumiaji wote wa Cannabis hawajitambui kwa kuangalia hao wa mtaani wanaoivamia kwa pupa bila ustaarabu.
kama mpaka vitabu vya dini kama biblia,hindu,budha na rastafarian vinaitambua jani kama the sacred plant ina maana tunawanyima waumin chakula chao cha kiroho.lets legalize isitoshe ushahid wote wa kisayansi unaonyesha hauna madhara kuliko sigara, pombe,na madawa mengine ya kulevya maana wadau wote walioleta hoja za kuipinga wameshindwa kuwasilisha ushahid na source kwamba ina madhara hata baada ya kuwapa mda wa kusearch imeshindikana kuthibitisha kwani hata mm nimejarib kutafta ushahid wa kisayansi kuona kama ina madhara makubwa kama nilivyoaminishwa lets legalize it.tuache kuwaua ndugu zetu kwa sigara
I love ganja though i dont smoke, hii kitu inakupa self awareness, inakupa kujiamini na kikubwa kabisa hakuna mvuta bangi mnafiki, they always tell the truth and hawajali madhara ya huo ukweli baada ya kusemwa.
kama mpaka vitabu vya dini kama biblia,hindu,budha na rastafarian vinaitambua jani kama the sacred plant ina maana tunawanyima waumin chakula chao cha kiroho.lets legalize isitoshe ushahid wote wa kisayansi unaonyesha hauna madhara kuliko sigara, pombe,na madawa mengine ya kulevya maana wadau wote walioleta hoja za kuipinga wameshindwa kuwasilisha ushahid na source kwamba ina madhara hata baada ya kuwapa mda wa kusearch imeshindikana kuthibitisha kwani hata mm nimejarib kutafta ushahid wa kisayansi kuona kama ina madhara makubwa kama nilivyoaminishwa lets legalize it.tuache kuwaua ndugu zetu kwa sigara

Yes my friend, waliikataza kwa sababu walikuwa na wasiwasi kuwa inaweza kuleta madhara makubwa kwa watumiaji kwa kuwa kulikuwa bado hakuna ushahidi wa utafiti kuwa ina madhara kwa matumizi ya mwanadamu. Lakini sasa hivi ushahidi unasema kabisa kuwa kuna manufaa ya kutumia marijuana hasa katika dawa. Mimi kwa kweli sijaona bado utafiri uluosema kuwa ina madhara zaidi ya pombe na sigara, Ila sasa inabidi waruhusu tu maana kwa hayo mapombe na sigara ambavyo wameruhusu ni hatari zaidi yake.

Mimi naunga mkono iruhusiwe kwa kuwa haina madhara ila ina faida. Hata vitabu vya dini vimeutaja kama mmea tofauti na mimea mingine, Even Hinduism imeitaja tangu 1500 BC iliyopita. Waisraeli walikuwa wanautumia, kama una madhara kwanini hawakukatazwa?
I love ganja though i dont smoke, hii kitu inakupa self awareness, inakupa kujiamini na kikubwa kabisa hakuna mvuta bangi mnafiki, they always tell the truth and hawajali madhara ya huo ukweli baada ya kusemwa.
Yes brother, you are right.
Ganja ilitumika na watu walionyanyaswa utumwani na walipo kuwa wanavuta ganja iliwaongoza kuwapa ujasiri wa kudai haki zao na kuukataa utumwa wakaanza kuipiga marufuku watawala ganja na mziki ulikuwa siraha ya ukombozi
Mkuu Apollo nina wazo naomba lianzishwe Group hapa jf kuhusu hili swala na watu tushauriane na kukumbushana utumiaji salama wa MARIJUANA,JF kama jukwaa kubwa naamini tukiweka facts zaidi kama ulivyoweka hapo tunaweza kutoa ushawishi mkubwa pia tukishirikisha na Madaktari wanaopatikana humu JF...
Au hii thread iwe sticky hapa jukwaani MODS watufikilie kwenye hili
Last edited by a moderator:
Mkuu Apollo nina wazo naomba lianzishwe Group hapa jf kuhusu hili swala na watu tushauriane na kukumbushana utumiaji salama wa MARIJUANA,JF kama jukwaa kubwa naamini tukiweka facts zaidi kama ulivyoweka hapo tunaweza kutoa ushawishi mkubwa pia tukishirikisha na Madaktari wanaopatikana humu JF...
Au hii thread iwe sticky hapa jukwaani MODS watufikilie kwenye hili

Nadhani umeongea ukweli, lengo letu sio kuruhusu madawa ya kulevya, lengo letu ni kutoa somo kuwa Marijuana sio mbaya kama matu wanavyoifikiria, Inategemea na mtumiaji. Kuna mengi sana watu wamepotoshwa nayo na medias. Nadhani hii mada ingekuwa Sticky au kungekuwa na jukwaa lake katika kipengele cha dokta au jamii inteligence.
duh sukua najua yote haya, ahsante mleta mada

Asante. Nafurahi kuona mtu ambaye yupo tayari kumpa nafasi mtu kujifunza kitu fulani, wengi wamekaa kuhukumu kwa kuamini walichokariri. Kuwa Open-mind.

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