Islamic Banking ‘invades’ Tanzania

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hata wakipewa nchi nzima, bado tu watakuwa hawajaamka kuwapeleka watoto wao shule ili waje wafanye kazi kwenye hizo bank, hivyo zitadorora tu. bado wataendelea kucheza bao na kula ubwabwa tuuuu bila kufanya kazi kwa bidii na kupeleka watoto wao shule. Kikwete ndiye chanzo cha hilo, na hawa jamaa kama hajui wanamwunguzia kwenye uchaguzi ujao kwasababu watu wengu hawaelewi namna mambo ya kidini ya kiislam yalivyoingia kwa wingi pale tu yeye alipochukua madaraka.
Kumbe hata invicible ni mdini, manake bank ni biashara kama biashara nyingine na mteja anao uhuru wa kuchagua anunue huduma gani na uchaguzi unajengwa na tabia, mila, desturi, dini, elimu na mazingira. Kwa hiyo Islamic banking sio kitu kibaya au cha lazima.

Ungesema misikiti invades Tanzania ingekuwa poa lakini bank sio lazima uende huko na mbona waajili wanalazimisha kufungua bank wanakotaka wao. Mafisadi wa fikra kibao humu jamvini sio lazima kila kitu kinachotokea bongo kikunufaishe wewe na ndugu zako hata wakinufaika watu wengine poa tu wabongo wako millioni 40.

Invisible hapa kaficha hekima yake na kuacha upumbavu wake wazi kwa kuandika heading ya kinazi huku akijua wazi wachangiaji wake watasema nini. Waache wateja wa Islamic banking wapate huduma wanayoitaka.
msanii nimekuelewa kuwa unanambia kuwa wewe hujui but unaweza pata mtu wa kuja kukusadia kumwaga hoja .........well and gud

but while you at it hebu fikiria kama yatupasa tufunge na shule za kiislam zote? coz i think huko pia wanasomesha per islamic sheriaz (and maybe hatuna haja ya kufunga za kikristo since hakuna sheria maalum katika Ukiristo au?!......and what about wale wasiokuwa na dini.......haki zao inakuwaje hapa? think about it)
hata wakipewa nchi nzima, bado tu watakuwa hawajaamka kuwapeleka watoto wao shule ili waje wafanye kazi kwenye hizo bank, hivyo zitadorora tu. bado wataendelea kucheza bao na kula ubwabwa tuuuu bila kufanya kazi kwa bidii na kupeleka watoto wao shule. Kikwete ndiye chanzo cha hilo, na hawa jamaa kama hajui wanamwunguzia kwenye uchaguzi ujao kwasababu watu wengu hawaelewi namna mambo ya kidini ya kiislam yalivyoingia kwa wingi pale tu yeye alipochukua madaraka.

sasa haya ni masuala mengine ambayo hayajahusiana na islamic bank hata kidogo.......umekwenda out of topic.....but since u like that topic very much ngoja nikuachie cha kutafakari.........kwa waislam kucheza bao na kutopeleka watoto mashuleni kunarudisha nyuma maendeleo ya nchi so unaonaje kama serikali ingechukua jukumu la Kuwasomesha hao wanaokaa wakacheza bao kwa maendeleo ya nchi? utafurahi au ndio serikali itakukwaza zaidi?
Kwa RIBA kubwa za benki zetu hapa nadhani hii "Sharia Banking" itasaidia. Tupewe tu ufafanuzi wa kina wa jinsi inavyofanyakazi.
Tatizo msanii haujataka kusoma na kuelewa vizuri nini faida na hasara zake, nadhani kama ni ukristo basi mkurugenzi wa nbc, barclays na KCC na gavena wa bot ni wakristo zaidi yetu, tusome nini faida na hasara kisha tulete malumbano,lakini kama walivyojieleza huduma hazibagui dini
Ya, mi nadhani islamic banking haina shida kama ingeanzishwa na taasisi za dini ya kiislaim, tatizo ni pale ambapo sharia inaingizwa kwenye bank ambayo serikali ina hisa, hilo tu ndo tatizo maana kodi za watanzania wote bila kujali wanajua au hawajui sharia zinzpelekwa.

Rwechu jee KCC, Barclays nazo ni bank zinazomilikiwa na watz, tatizo nini na haujalazimishwa kuweka pesa zako hapo kama vipi we weka nmb au crdb, tpb, dcb nk
Mimi naomba Invisible au yeyote atutafutie literature ya kutuelimisha hiyo Islamic Banking ikoje, vigezo vyake tofauti na huduma zingine za kibenki,vigezo vya wateja kujiunga and etc. then ndiyo tuendelee kuchangia. Maana tusije kukurupuka na kutoa maoni kwa issue ambayo pengine hatujui undani wake.

mimi sio muislamu, lakini zimefunguliwa benki za kikristo kama Efatha, Mkombozi na hamna aliyepiga kelele. Lakini hii ya Islamic Banking ambayo ni huduma tu kati ya huduma kadhaa za kibenki tunazungumzia kukiukwa kwa katiba na nchi kusilimishwa etc.

Are we being fair?
Some stuffs to note:

Sharia prohibits the payment or acceptance of interest fees for the lending and accepting of money respectively, (Riba, usury) for specific terms, as well as investing in businesses that provide goods or services considered contrary to its principles (Haraam, forbidden).

The basic principle of Islamic banking follows the laws of Sharia, known as Fiqh al-Muamalat (Islamic rules on transaction). The term "Islamic banking" is synonymous with "full-reserve banking" and "Sharia-compliant banking" The most prominent feature of these laws is usury – the prohibition of paying or collecting interest on funds. The Islamic terminology for this is riba or ribaa. The Sharia also forbids engagement in investments that include financial unknowns such as buying and selling futures, as well as businesses that are haraam – dealing in products that are contrary to Islamic law and values such as alcohol, pork, gossip or pornography. These principles apply to all individuals, companies and governments.

Banks that comply with Islamic law are forbidden to charge interest or late payment fees, which is also considered a type of riba. To minimize risk, banks will often require a large down payment on goods and property, or insist upon large collateral. It is lawful for the Bank to charge a higher price for a good if payments are deferred or collected at a later date since it is considered a trade for goods rather than collecting interest.

Islamic Banking is growing at a rate of 10-15% per year and with signs of consistent future growth

According to (CIMB) Group Holdings, Islamic finance is the fastest-growing segment of the global financial system and sales of Islamic bonds may rise by 24 percent to $25 billion in 2010.

In an Islamic mortgage transaction, instead of loaning the buyer money to purchase the item, a bank might buy the item itself from the seller, and re-sell it to the buyer at a profit, while allowing the buyer to pay the bank in installments. However, the bank's profit cannot be made explicit and therefore there are no additional penalties for late payment. In order to protect itself against default, the bank asks for strict collateral. The goods or land is registered to the name of the buyer from the start of the transaction. This arrangement is called Murabaha. Another approach is EIjara wa EIqtina, which is similar to real estate leasing. Islamic banks handle loans for vehicles in a similar way (selling the vehicle at a higher-than-market price to the debtor and then retaining ownership of the vehicle until the loan is paid).

Some Islamic banks charge for the time value of money, the common economic definition of Interest (Riba). These institutions are criticized in some quarters of the Muslim community for their lack of strict adherence to Sharia.
Mimi naomba Invisible au yeyote atutafutie literature ya kutuelimisha hiyo Islamic Banking ikoje, vigezo vyake tofauti na huduma zingine za kibenki,vigezo vya wateja kujiunga and etc. then ndiyo tuendelee kuchangia. Maana tusije kukurupuka na kutoa maoni kwa issue ambayo pengine hatujui undani wake.
Mkuu nadhani post yangu ya 29 ina kitu cha kusaidia japo kidogo
The basic principle of Islamic banking follows the laws of Sharia, known as Fiqh al-Muamalat (Islamic rules on transaction). The term "Islamic banking" is synonymous with "full-reserve banking" and "Sharia-compliant banking" The most prominent feature of these laws is usury – the prohibition of paying or collecting interest on funds. The Islamic terminology for this is riba or ribaa. The Sharia also forbids engagement in investments that include financial unknowns such as buying and selling futures, as well as businesses that are haraam – dealing in products that are contrary to Islamic law and values such as alcohol, pork, gossip or pornography. These principles apply to all individuals, companies and governments

Asante mkuu, hapo penye rangi nyekundu ndiyo hasa dhumuni la akaunti/huduma hii, ambayo binafsi sioni tatizo. Penye rangi nyeusi ni baadhi tu ya biashara ambazo zimekatazwa kuhusishwa na huduma hii ambayo kwa mara nyingine sioni pia tatizo kwa kuwa hata ukristo haukubaliani na hayo pia (ukiondoa pork) katika maadili ya dini hiyo.

Mengine yaliyoorodheshwa hapo ni mambo ya kiuchumi na taratibu za kawaida.

So where is the problem wadau? au tatizo ni uislamu?

What the heck for nothing !! Islamic banking is the fastest growing banking system in the world. It is for everybody and not only for Muslims.

Most major western banks ( e.g. Citibank, HSBC, UBS, Deusche Bank, Societe Generale and many more ) now offer Islamic banking as part of service they offer to their clients who preffer to use islamic banking products instead of traditional banking products. Infact Islamic banking have proved their resiliance during the recent finacial meltdowns in the West.

If a Christian or Jew aor Pagan can can benefit from using the Islamic banking what is the problem ? no body is forced to use it it just increse the choice. I suggest those who have doubt fist learn what it is before they comment about it. It is not a tool to convert people to Islam but to convert their investment and their finacial service requirement into success.
Mimi sioni tatizo.Kwa mfano waislamu wanona Riba ni haramu..basi wapate huduma inayoendana na imani yao.Hata hivyo,sijui kwenye mikopo kama Muislamu atataka mkopo Benki ,je Benki itakuwa tayari kumko9pesha bila kudai riba?
Mimi sioni tatizo.Kwa mfano waislamu wanona Riba ni haramu..basi wapate huduma inayoendana na imani yao.Hata hivyo,sijui kwenye mikopo kama Muislamu atataka mkopo Benki ,je Benki itakuwa tayari kumko9pesha bila kudai riba?

Shule hii hapa Ben,

In an Islamic mortgage transaction, instead of loaning the buyer money to purchase the item, a bank might buy the item itself from the seller, and re-sell it to the buyer at a profit, while allowing the buyer to pay the bank in installments. However, the bank's profit cannot be made explicit and therefore there are no additional penalties for late payment. In order to protect itself against default, the bank asks for strict collateral. The goods or land is registered to the name of the buyer from the start of the transaction. This arrangement is called Murabaha. Another approach is EIjara wa EIqtina, which is similar to real estate leasing. Islamic banks handle loans for vehicles in a similar way (selling the vehicle at a higher-than-market price to the debtor and then retaining ownership of the vehicle until the loan is paid).
Islamic Banking - Imeanzishwa kwa mujibu wa kanuni zote za BOT (Nadhani unajua BOT ni chombo kilichopo kikatiba)

Kwa mujibu wa masharti waliyopewa na BOT, MTANZANIA yeyote ANARUHUSIWA kufungua account; so hapo hakuna aatakae baguliwa. Kama wewe si muislamu na unaona huhitaji kupata mkopo wenye riba au kuwa na account yenye riba unaruhusiwa.

Kwa mtazamo wangu katiba inalindwa na kuheshimiwa.

Au kwa maelezo mafupi hii bidhaa/huduma mpya(Islamic banking product) ni miongoni mwa bidhaa nyingi za kibenki (banking products). Ni kama vile unaenda supermarket unakuta kuna bidhaa Halal za kuku, sausage za kondoo n.k

Pia nyumbani Tz tuna utamaduni, muislamu kuchinja wanyama ili sote tujumuike kuila hiyo nyama halal ktk hafla mbalimbali. Hivyo hii bidhaa halal ya kibenki pia haitambagua mtu kwa dini kama ataihitaji. Hivyo kwa Tanzania vitu halal siyo kitu kipya kama mwandishi wa huko Addis Ababa anavyoripoti kama tutaitizama kwa makini jamii ya kitanzania.
nimeelwa kuwa hata imani/dini zingine sizizo waislamu wanaweza fungua akaunti humo...
hapo sawa!!

je uhakiki unakuweje kugundua uyu mteja pesa yake haijihusishi na;
1.nguruwe,pombe,ufisadi/wizi,kamali,umalaya nk

ila tahadhari mdau unayesema EFATHA benki,ni benki iliyofunguliwa na dini ya imani yao ila inafanya kazi kama benki zingine tu na watu wote wanafungua akaunti na HAIJASIMAMIA BIBLIA (ila ni sheria za nchi) au kusema ni imani ya kikristo tu
Hii yote ni katika kuvutia kundi la wateja waliokuwa nje ya wigo wao; its puely a business strategy na sioni kama kuna siasa zozote hapa.

Mods ningeomba hii ipelekwe kwenye ukumbi wa business forums.
People always fear and react to things they dont understand. This is a service which allows practicing Muslims to have banking services that are compatible with their faith. They are also accessible to people with a non-muslim background. Nikama watu muanze kulalamika kwanini bucha Tanzania ziuze nyama halal, it is utter nonsense. Watu msiwe mnapinga vitu kabla ata yakuvielewa. It is a service, kama vile baa nyingine zinavyokua na jiko la kawaida na kiti moto. Grow up and stop fearing things that virtually have no effect on your life just because they are based on a system of belief and life that is not identical to yours. Effin small minds.
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