Food for thought


May 16, 2009
Greetings to all Jamii community.

First of all thank you to those who acknowledged my initial entry to this esteemed forum when I introduced myself.

Now then to matters that do affect all of us on a daily basis.....

It comes to mind on many an occasion that as much as the so called poor nations of this world seek economic prosperity for the future the so called poor countries of this world may have to result to what one may call basic facts.

As individuals we all know that no one can ever be productive on an empty is a fundamental quest for all human kind to seek for nourishment on a regular basis so that one may be able to sustain and maintain their daily activities in pursuit of a better life which I believe is an integral part for all of us in search of well being.

Now then as a nation how else can there be any measure of economic uplift if that nation can not secure its own availabilty of for the people.

If one can not feed them selves and resutls to begging for donations etc..... well one will always engage them selves in activities that are geared towards repayment of those donations be it in good will or monetary terms.

Hence is it a wonder that these so called poor countries seem to always be in a cycle of impoverishment......alot of them have an abundance of natural resources yet they have to be told on how to maximise on these resources?

No matter what the economic situation be it even in the current so called recession human beings will always need food.... it is the primary function of existance for all.................... and there in lies the future prosperity for the future of the so classified 'poor nations'.

I am yet to see a nation that is economically prosperous yet 'begs' for donations to be fed....I of course stand to be corrected on these snipets of my thoughts like I said food for thought...........what are your thoughts?

Let us deliberate and discuss ..................thank you.

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