Elective Ditatorship


JF-Expert Member
May 26, 2009
Has Tanzania become an elective dictatorship? Read on what elective dictatorship entails (edited):


An "elective dictatorship" (also called executive dominance in political science) is a phrase coined by the former Lord Chancellor of the United Kingdom, Lord Hailsham, in a Richard Dimbleby Lecture at the BBC in 1976[1]. It describes the state in which Parliament is dominated by the government of the day. It refers to the fact that the legislative programme of Parliament is determined by the government, and government bills virtually always pass the House of Commons because of the nature of the governing party's majority.

Has Tanzania become an elective dictatorship? Read on what elective dictatorship entails (edited):

Elective dictatorship - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An "elective dictatorship" (also called executive dominance in political science) is a phrase coined by the former Lord Chancellor of the United Kingdom, Lord Hailsham, in a Richard Dimbleby Lecture at the BBC in 1976[1]. It describes the state in which Parliament is dominated by the government of the day. It refers to the fact that the legislative programme of Parliament is determined by the government, and government bills virtually always pass the House of Commons because of the nature of the governing party's majority.

Bureaucracy rule.

Indeed, I read a great deal of synonimity in that assertion when mirrored down to our case in Tanzania.

The phrase SEPARATION OF POWER is by all practical purposes an extinct vocabulary in our society down here. You will always live to see too much government on your shoulders each ocassion. The executive literally overshadows al other arms of the government of the day. Perliament is a shear RUBBER-STAMP institution under the auspacis and prisms of 'MASLAHI YA CHAMA' that have over many years oblitarated 'MASLAHI YA UMMA'.

The judiciary is simply a TIGER UNDER SIEGE and tooothless in deed. Who should be sentenced, when and in what manner MUST at all time remain under the mopolistic wisdom of the President.

That is the reason why when some people were crying about the president's frequent falling down, I knew very wel that under the new constitution we shall be able to make him enjoy his duties without unwarranted fatigue as we separate power, seal-off unnecessary overlaps and make all governmental institutions including Usalama wa Taifa to be run professionally and Independent of undue political influence.

Hii kazi iko njiani wananchi tutaifanya vizuri tena sana tu. Usione maafisa wengi wa taasisi mbali mbali za serikali wanaonekana kana kwamba ni ma-mbumbumbu na kwamba hawajui kinachotakiwa kufanya - laa hasha - wanajua sana tena watu wazuri kweli kweli kwenye fani zao lakini TATIZO NI 'MFUMO CHANGAMANA' na hulka ya kutiwa kofuli juu ya maamuzi yako binafsi kitaaluma / personal discretion on an issue. Hili likishakosekana basi kwisha hakuna ubunifu tena wala kupiga hatua kimaendelea.
Nakubaliana na wewe kabisa. Katiba mpya itampunguzia kazi raisi na kuwapa watendaji haki za kutekeleza majukumu yao kwa ufanisi zaidi. Naomba unifafanulie huu msemo wa 'Mfumo changamana', ikiwezeakana maana yake kwa Kiingereza.
Leo hii watendaji wakuu wengi wa mashirika yetu ya umma wanaonekana kama picha vile au mazezeta wasiojua kitu wakani ni watu MAHIRI KWELI KWELI KITAALUMA na wenye nidhamu nzuri kulinda MASLAHI YA UMMA lakini kwa OMNIPRESENT PRESIDENT katika kila idara dira ya utendaji na tija kwa umma unakua ni sifuri kabisa.
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