CIA - Rwanda Factbook


JF-Expert Member
Mar 31, 2007
Economy of Rwanda

Currency Rwandan: franc (RWF)

Fiscal year: calendar year

Trade organisations: WTO, ECCAS, EAC, COMESA


GDP (PPP): $13.7 billion (2006) (135)
GDP growth: 5.8% (2006)
GDP per capita: $1,600 (2006)
GDP by sector: agriculture: 39.4%, industry: 23.3%, services: 37.3% (2006 est.)
Inflation: (CPI) 6.7% (2006)


below poverty line 60% (2001)
Gini index: 28.9 (1985)
Labour force: 4.6 million (2000)

Labour force by occupation
agriculture: 90%, industry and services: 10%
Unemployment: no data
Main industries: cement, agricultural products, small-scale beverages, soap, furniture, shoes, plastic goods, textiles, cigarettes

Exports: $135.4 million (2006)
Export goods: coffee, tea, hides, tin ore
Main export partners: China 10.2%, Germany 9.6%, United States 4.3% (2006)
Imports: $390.4 million (2006)
Import goods: foodstuffs, machinery and equipment, steel, petroleum products, cement and construction material
Main import partners: Kenya 19.7%, Germany 7.8%, Uganda 6.9%, Belgium 5% (2006)
Gross External Debt: {{{gross external debt}}}

Public finances:
Public debt: $1.4 billion (2004) (external)
Revenues: $560.9 million
Expenses: $654 million
Economic aid recipient: $425 million (2003)
Main data source: CIA World Factbook

All values, unless otherwise stated, are in US dollars
This is typical sub-saharan africa. The statistics tell. After all, just like any sub-saharan africa, this is how the situation in rwanda looks like







Mwanamalundi, kwenye hizo statistics, ndo unaona unafiki na uzandiki wa IMF NA WB wanatupa figures wakati watu wetu wanakufa kama nzi! Yaani hizo picha angeziona Zoelick rais wa WB..nadhani angekuita uwe msaidizi wake...sasa hapo kweli huo uchumi wa 5% sijui 7% unamnufaisha nani? aise hii dunia hii tunapigana changa la macho mno!
Nashangaa Tanzania haipo katika nchi ambazo zina -Export bidhaa zake kwenda Rwanda. Inabidi tujitahidi kuzalisha vitu na kuuza katika nchi jirani. Naona Wa-China kila mahali.
ukiangalia picha ni kama vile buzuluga, mwanga(jirani na zanzibar lodge)mbangamaho,unga ltd au midizin.......!(SSA LOOKS THE SAME)
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