Another Chance For an African Green Revolution


Aug 29, 2012
As the world searches desperately for ways to boost food production by at least 70 percent by 2050 to feed an increasingly hungry planet, many are looking to Africa as the place where a large part of this potential can be realised, mainly for its huge portion of arable land.

Arusha, Tazania, will soon become the site of a major brainstorming session on this very topic, when it plays host to the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) from Sept. 26 to 28, which is aimed at developing African-led food security solutions.

At the recent G8 Summit, global leaders including 21 African countries and 27 private sector companies committed three billion dollars to a ....Read MORE »
Can someone be kind and explain this to me,
Why would a farmer in US feed corns to a cow and soybeans from Brazil feed German pigs.
Telling us to stare on the world food index, basing on which analysis?
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